As insect based protein alternatives gain a foothold worldwide, startups in the ASEAN region do not remain far behind. A new breed of entrepreneurs in the region are striving to make the industry more accessible and bring it into the mainstream by growing insects more efficiently and developing improved methods for breeding, processing technologies and scale up sustainably. Join us on an online session (zoom) to learn more from a group of ASEAN based Insect technology startups on Saturday, 31st 13:00-15:00 hrs SGT (+1 JPT).

 Glocalink Singapore (focussing on supporting early stage agri & food tech startups in Singapore & SEA) is gathering a few of such startups for a pitching session, in hope to call for additional support from investors for these startups to achieve the next stage. Glocalink Singapore is also seeking corporate partners to collaborate with food and agri tech startups in Southeast Asia.

Program Schedule:

Event date: 31st July 2021 on Zoom

Time  Content
13:00-13:10 hrs Event opening 
13:10-13:20 hrs Keynote by Dr. Kengo Suzuki, euglena Co., Ltd                              

Topic: What to expect from Insectech now? 

13:20-14:10 hrs Pitching showcase by 5 ASEAN insect startups (7 mins)

Thailand:Cricket Lab
Vietnam:Cricket One
Malaysia: LifeOrigin
Singapore: Insectta
Cambodia: Ecologgie Inc.
14:10-14:20 hrs Break
14:20-15:00 hrs Panel Session                                      

Topic: Insect protein as a substitute to traditional protein sources in the food industry: Challenges ahead       

Moderator: Dr. Kihoko Tokue (LVNS, Singapore)

Panelist 1: Mr Yang En Tan (Slice)

Panelist 2: Mr Anton Wibowo (Trendlines Agrifood Innovation Center)


This program is organised by Glocalink Singapore and Supported by Leave a nest Singapore

Please register your interest by filling up this form.

For more information contact Ravi at [email protected]



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