Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Director: Dr. Ravikrishna Ramanujam) has invested in Singapore-based food tech and beverage startup, Drinksachi Pte. Ltd. (CEO: Jonathan Ng). Drinksachi is the world’s first soy whey based alcoholic beverage brand that utilizes soy whey, a by-product from tofu manufacturing to create their flagship product “Soy Wine”.

Tofu is a staple of the Asian diet for thousands of years. More recently it has also become a trending superfood in western cuisine. Little do consumers know that tofu production produces large amounts of by-products during the manufacturing process. To produce tofu, soy beans are first soaked overnight then blended and filtered to create soy milk. The soy milk is then boiled, cooled to 70 degrees Celsius before added coagulants which help to curdle the soy milk into tofu. During this process, soy whey a liquid by-product is being expelled out of tofu to create varying styles of tofu with varying amount of moisture. For every 1 kg of soy beans used to make approximately 2 kg of tofu, a range of 5 to 9L of Soy Whey is generated from this process. Soy whey has to be treated before disposal as it contains large amount of nutrients that may destroy bio diversity if released into our reservoirs. A local tofu factory in Singapore disposes 20-40 thousand litres of soy whey every day and treatment fees monthly ranges from SGD 5000-12000 a month. Drinksachi aims to upcycle soy whey all around the world to create more food/beverages with the same amount of resources (Soy Beans) thereby encouraging the circular economy in the tofu manufacturing industry. 

Drinksachi is a sustainable alcoholic beverage company based in Singapore that produces the world’s first soy wine (Sachi) using a patented fermentation technology that turns soy whey into alcoholic beverages. Its mission is to bring bliss to people and the environment by creating a new generation of alcoholic beverages for the modern lifestyle. Sachi’s flagship product, soy wine is only 70 calories per serving (compared to 120-140 Calories for grape wines), it is also super easy to drink at 5.8%ABV with a lack of the alcohol kick. It also contains isoflavones which are antioxidants and does not contain any artificial additives of preservatives like sulphites but still is able to store at ambient temperatures without troubles. It is specially designed to cater to our modern lifestyle, where it is a lot more sedentary but still everyone craves for wellness and the look and feel better. By drinking Sachi, we can enjoy truly sustainable alcoholic beverages without guilt and feel as though we are doing our part saving the world one bottle at a time.

Since 2018, Leave a Nest and Glocalink has been supporting the education of consumers and industry experts about soy whey alcoholic beverages. Drinksachi’s tech arm Sinfootech was also awarded the Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Award for “Sachi” and its innovative production technology, along with a cash prize of ¥200,000, in Leave a Nest’s annual Tech Plan Demo Day 2018.

Drinksachi is working towards its overseas expansion, looking for alcoholic beverage distributors as well as brand owners to build local soy whey alcoholic brands globally to promote sustainability. Glocalink hopes to aid in Drinksachi’s overseas expansions, especially to Japan. 

About Drinksachi

Drinksachi is a sustainable alcoholic beverage company based in Singapore that produces the world’s first soy wine (Sachi) using a patented fermentation technology that turns soy whey into alcoholic beverages. Its mission is to bring bliss to people and the environment by creating a new generation of alcoholic beverages for the modern lifestyle.

About Glocalink Singapore

Glocalink Singapore, is a Agri food-tech focussed investment company with a vision to solve the most pressing problems in food security & advance the future of food and agriculture. Glocalink aims to do this by supporting & investing in early stage startups with innovative technologies to not only solve local issues but can be further developed and implemented to solve global challenges. 

For enquiries:

Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd.                                                                                                           

Attn: Ravikrishna Ramanujam     


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