On 20th December 2020 GLOCALINK Singapore, celebrated its first anniversary which was a closed door event by invitation only.

The aim of the event was to showcase the current 8 teams GLOCALINK Singapore has invested in to audience consisted of VC’s (local & Japanese), corporates from Japan looking for open innovation (in agri/ food tech vertical) as well as ecosystem partners from South East Asia (SEA).

Mr. Kelvin Ong (Founder & CEO GLOCALINK Singapore), delivered the opening remarks, where he covered the journey of GLOCALINK Singapore (Previously Germi8), its strong relationship with Kobashi Industries Co., Ltd, Euglena Co., Ltd as well as Leave a Nest, Singapore. He also covered the investment themes of this fund and gave an overview of all the startups.

The opening remarks were followed by presentations and panel sessions in 3 different themes. Under each category, startups made a short presentation, sharing about their updates/ progresses,  and current pain points wished to be tackled together with the audience. Following the presentations was a short discussion session focussing on issues emerging in the agri food tech ecosystem. The questions covered topics ranging from,the future food trends, capturing local vs global markets, addressing taste issues, the impact of HALAL in SEA, the impact of COVID, supply chain maintenance, traceability and plans towards developing long term environmentally sustainability. The discussion also focussed on bringing out possible points of synergies between the startups with the aim of encouraging knowledge exchange and collaboration.

The event came to a close with final comments from the co-founders

  • Dr. Kengo Suzuki (Euglena Co., Ltd)-  “Let's change the world together by solving social issues by using science & technology”.
  • Mr. Kobashi (CEO, Kobashi Industries Co., Ltd) – “There is no miracle in management & business, so one needs to make the effort towards achieving global happiness”.
  • Dr. Yukihiro maru (Founder and Group CEO, Leave a Nest), spoke about the transition from “Germi8” to “GLOCALINK” , Germi8 meant the process of germination (from a seed, support it to grow into a plant), and the name was changed to GLOCALINK Singapore to reflect the connection to the global stage, by taking local technology towards solving global issues and change the world together.
10:00-10:10 Opening . Welcoming remark
10:10-10:55 Session 1: Food Tech in Singapore & Malaysia 

  • Ira Noah
  • Karana 
  • Kombynation
  • Soynergy
11:00-11:30 Session 2: Technology related to food                                (How will technology help us be healthy and bring food safety to our lives?)

  • Austrianova
  • ProfilePrint
11:30-12:00 Session 3: Agri Tech                                                     (Future of Agriculture for sustainable economy)

  • Nomatech
  • TRIA
12:00-12:10 Remarks from GLOCALINK Singapore founders (Japan)
12:10-12:15 Closing

To learn more about Glocalink Singapore please click here.

To learn more about the startups please click here.


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